The Program to Empower Partnerships with Industry and Government (PEPI-G) provides awards to defray housing, transportation, and other costs associated with trips to engage with industry or government partners to launch new collaborations and research projects.
Each applicant is assessed on merit, financial need, expected outcomes, and long-term impact to the individual or institution. Trip duration, which could span days to weeks, will be based on the applicant’s goals and the work-related timeline; therefore, the amount of the awards will vary.
Qualifying applicants must be early career professionals (post-doctoral researcher, research scientist, or senior students) engaged at an accredited U.S. college, university, or institution in a big data-related field or application area in the South region.
2017 PEPI Participant
Pictured to the Left: David Gotz, Ph.D., Assistant Professor in the School of Information and Library Science at the University of North Carolina and PEPI participant. Dr. Gotz collaborated with host company, Allscripts, on the project ‘Applying Scalable Temporal Visual Analytics Methods to Complex Health Analytics Challenges’. Dr. Gotz stated, “PEPI was valuable because it provided the funds needed for prolonged deep-dive discussions between industry and academic experts. In my past experience, these conversations have been limited to a short meeting or perhaps a day-long event of some kind. However, having several consecutive days or weeks to meet, brainstorm, and develop a long term plan was invaluable”.
2019 PEPI-G Participant
Pictured to the Left: James Stevenson, Junior, University of Northern Kentucky, Information Technology with an emphasis in Cybersecurity. James participated as a 2019 PEPI-G Fellow with the DHS-ARPA. James stated, “Working in the office with [DHS] and on the machine learning project was such an amazing learning experience, and because of that I’m very thankful. Everyone I met at the office were so friendly and knowledgeable, and it was just great to meet them. I truly appreciate the confidence you showed in me by giving me this opportunity to grow professionally and academically”.
Learn more about our previous cycles of the PEPI-G program:
- Year 1: 2016
- Year 2: 2017
- Year 3: 2019
- Year 4: 2020