Who We Are
Business, research, government, and individuals now create digital data at an unprecedented pace. However, the great challenge is how to harness these large, complex data sets and research findings into economic growth and positive impacts on people and communities. The South Big Data Hub accelerates partnerships among people in business, academia, and government who apply data science and analytics to help solve regional and national challenges.
The South Hub is part of a network of four regional Big Data Hubs, launched by the National Science Foundation and funded in part by host universities and other partners. Managed jointly by the Georgia Institute of Technology and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, the South Hub serves 16 states and the District of Columbia—from Texas to Delaware—with more than 1000 members from universities, corporations, foundations, and cities committing their support.
What We Do
Data Science Education and Workforce
The South Hub supports multiple education and workforce programs, engaging across all of the hub’s activities to create resources and map assets pertaining to data science education.
Data Sharing and Cyberinfrastructure
The South Hub supports open discussion around cyberinfrastruture best practices and facilitates access for the South region and beyond to cyberinfrastructure resources.
Advancing Science and Addressing Societal Challenges
The South Hub continues to advance science and address societal challenges, with a unifying focus on challenges and opportunities important to the South.
Connecting and Mobilizing the Hub Community
The South Hub continues to accelerate academic, industry, and community stakeholder engagement in big data and data science. The hub maintains a commitment to enabling networking and dialogue among stakeholders to assess needs and increase the sharing of success stories, lessons learned, and best practices.